Saying Goodbye

This has, probably, been one of the hardest things I’ve ever written. Not because of emotional stuff like “Oh goodness I can’t possibly say goodbye” (well, partially that), but mainly because I don’t understand what it means to say goodbye. I’ve been in the same school for ever now, been with the same group of friends that I’ve had since I was 4, pretty much lived in the same house for most of my life, and been in Bangalore since the day I was born. I wholly do not understand the concept of change.

In case you weren’t aware, Sonepat, Haryana, or more specifically, Ashoka University is going to be home for the next 3-4 years. I am tremendously excited. But, so so so so so scared. Being a protected little baby who never really had to acclimatise to new situations and adeptly handle them, I have no clue what to expect. That scares me. Now, I know I won’t cry in the middle of the night because I miss home. My ego won’t let me do that. But homesickness is definitely going to hit me like a truck. And not just for home, or for my friends. I’m going to miss stupid things like the Calcutta Katti rolls outside my house, or the beer at Pecos. I’m going to miss book shopping at Blossoms, and I’m going to miss my bed. There is a tiny part of me still saying “Chuck it. Take a gap year, apply to Christ, live at home”, but that’s ridiculously stupid, and so I tell myself to shut up.

I mean, in all fairness, Ashoka isn’t even really giving us a chance to miss home, because I’m back in Bangalore within two short months. So my “last” beer at Pecos, and my “last” Creme and Crust breakfast, and my “last” time at Blossoms is just me being dramatic. But, for all intents and purposes, I stand at the edge of the last page in this chapter, ready to move on to the next.

I would like to write more, but I simply can’t being myself to figure out what more to say. Everything that I’m experiencing, these tumultuous emotions, are so surreal. It hasn’t struck me that, in under 72 hours, my life might very well be turned entirely on its head. Even as I packed my bags, and checked off my lists, it didn’t feel like me. Staring at my barren wardrobe, it still hasn’t struck me that I am probably not going to see my wardrobe full and splitting at the seams for a while now. My room as a whole feels a little… less. And I don’t know how I feel about that. I am sad, but I think a lot of that’s because I told myself that I ought to be. I can’t possibly describe how this feels – this strange mix of sorrow, but a weird nonchalance. To best describe it, I’d probably say that it felt like I was a spectator to someone else’s life.

Excuse the poor segue and abrupt ending, but I have tried several different ending lines, for something to say without it being cheesy and YA novel-esque, but in short, super excited, super scared, and not really ready to say goodbye.

‘Til next time,


Harry Potter and The Cursed Child – My opinion of the book (Spoilers)

Here’s what I thought about The Cursed Child! I don’t generally like reviewing books, but I felt this one just had to be done. It started out as a Facebook comment on a thread reviewing the play, but it got so long that I decided to turn it into a blog post.
If you don’t like spoilers, stop here.
Rating: 2.5/5
Okay, here goes. It wasn’t a bad story. Had it been fanfiction, I would have been moderately impressed. (Actually, I’m pretty certain, if you dig around on, you’ll find something (or several somethings) pretty similar, in terms of major plot points.) But to think this is now canon, I am kinda disappointed. Here are some of my main issues with it: (Spoilers ahead, of course) (So many spoiler warnings. I am too kind.)
– It felt almost like two completely separate plot lines. Albus-Scorpius-Time turner being one, and Delphi-Voldemort-Prophecy being another. The connection between the two seemed weak and the transition felt way too abrupt. Actually, had this been two separate plays, I would have loved it. But by mushing the two together, the whole book just seemed to lack focus and direction.
– Everything was SO predictable. For every plot point introduced, my reaction was “Really?! Well, I’m not surprised”. It’s painful how almost cliched it is to have put Albus in Slytherin, and of course, he became best friends with Harry’s enemy’s son. And thus, the resulting father/son drama was therefore entirely expected, and so, boring. If Gossip Girl met the Harry Potter novels, Cursed Child would be a result of that encounter. So much unnecessary drama. I mean, really. Familial strife, unexpected children, angsty, rebellious teenagers, and the expected romantic elements. If that isn’t the entire plot line of Gossip Girl, I don’t know what is.
– A lot of it was so terribly unnecessary! So much just felt like fan service. Few crowd favourites returned, like Dumbledore and Snape, but their appearance made little to no difference to the plot itself. Instead of wasting a solid 3-4 scenes on them, I would have preferred more insight into maybe the friendship between Scorpius and Albus, or more development in their characters. Again, I want to state that I think the entire bit with Delphi, and Harry seeing his parents killed was unnecessary. Had the play more or less ended with Act 3, I think it would have been significantly better. Else, the whole Cedric Diggory (Of all characters, why make him a plot element? I know his character was just the introductory segue into all the drama that was to follow, but let’s be real, most people don’t want to read about Cedric. What about Tonks, or Lupin, or hell, even Colin Creevey? I would have much rather read about them) element ought to have been scrapped and then have the story focus on Harry and Delphi and Voldemort. The plot tried to do too much, and tried way too hard. Harry Potter was never about complexity. It was about depth, and establishing one plot, then sticking to it, with every element of the story adding layers to this one element. This book lacked any depth, and was purely trying to see how many elements it could jam in their, while still retaining some semblance of a plot.
– Lastly, I truly feel like JK Rowling has forgotten her characters. Everyone acted in such unseemly ways. Firstly, the very abrupt camaraderie between Draco and Harry. I get that their sons were in danger together, and it would be best to help each other, but merely 5 pages ago, they had been going at each other’s throats. Retain the animosity. I don’t believe 25+ years of being enemies could be turned into acquaintanceship over the span of two pages.
Secondly, Snape. Now there’s a nice scene between Snape and Scorpius and it is very lovely and everything, but here’s the problem: Snape is NOT a nice guy. He’s a hero, and a noble hearted guy, and whatever else you might want to say, but he was never nice. The fact that he became pretty smiley with Scorpius and lacked his usual sourness was upsetting. The sarcasm was still there, of course, but now it wasn’t tinged with the disdain and annoyance that is essential to his character. He was nice! Since when is Snape nice?!
Thirdly, Voldemort having a child. With Bellatrix. That requires Voldemort to have slept with her. Does Voldemort necessarily strike you as the type of person who would sleep with someone? Really? I will make no further comment on this, because if any part of the book was absolutely absurd, it was this one, and I still cannot wrap my head around it.
Long story short, it was fine. The plot was decent. I have read fanfiction that was better. Everything was way too predictable.
Maybe JK felt like she had only two options, both of which were extremely predictable: Put Albus in Gryffindor and have rivalry between Albus and Scorpius, or put him in Slytherin, and let it be a friendship between the two, and so she chose the latter, with it being the lesser of the two evils. My opinion: Go completely left of field. Put Albus in Hufflepuff, have the story be about some hidden secret in Hogwarts that the Golden Trio never discovered, introduce a new antagonist who has no connection to Voldemort, etc.
Now enough negativity, I did enjoy it, and I couldn’t put it down. It didn’t live up to my expectations, but that doesn’t mean it was bad. If you consider yourself a Potterhead, I do recommend you read it. Just keep your expectations at the bare minimum, and try to forget that it is a canon story.
TL;DR It’s pretty disappointing, but you should still read it. Oh, and, once again, it’s BASICALLY a fan fic. (If interested, hmu, I will link you fics that are better than this.)
‘Til next time,

Why I Don’t Believe In God

(Quick note before I start: For the first time, I actually had a blog post typed up and everything. It was lovely, and I was doing last minute editing, when my hard disk crashed, and I lost all my stuff, including that nice post. I’ll recreate it, soon. Anyway, my laptop is back, and it feels so foreign because it has none of my music or pictures on it. That makes me sad. Okay, getting back to topic now.)

(Warning: I might make inflammatory comments against organised religion, and their idea of God. If it’s going to upset you, feel free to skip past this post.)

(Also: Every time I refer to God, I mean the idea of an all-powerful being, created by organised religion. Not God in the spiritual sense.)

I’ve been meaning to write a blog post for a while now, on why I don’t believe in God, because people have asked me about it several times, and my answers to them have been rather rubbish (things along the lines of “I haven’t seen proof”, “none of the things I prayed for came true” etc etc). While my old reasonings weren’t necessarily untrue, there is a much more detailed reason for why I don’t believe in God. The Orlando shooting acted as a catalyst for this post, and so here you go!

If you’ve seen my Facebook status update, you’ll know that I’m pretty damn pissed about the Orlando shooting. Shooting in general is bad, shooting people for loving another person is even worse, but taking an innocent person’s life in the name of God is absolutely disgusting.

That brings me to the first major reason of why I don’t believe in God. Religious scripts across all beliefs dictate that, essentially, God wants you to do good, and be happy. Let’s take a step back here; God wants me to be happy. Cool. Now, let’s assume, my happiness comes from loving another woman. God doesn’t want homosexuality, but he wants me to be happy. God doesn’t see homosexuals as his children, and yet all living beings are supposed to be God’s children. Does that make someone who isn’t straight a rock or something? I mean, sexual orientation is just one example that I thought I would use in light of the recent events. I do not dispute the fact that there are some things which, regardless of how much happiness they may bring, should still be looked at negatively “in the eyes of God”, such as murder, or rape. And the logic for that is perfectly reasonable. God is sending you to hell for hurting one of his kids. So no argument on that front, but, this brings me to my second point on why I don’t believe in God.

If there was a God, why is there so much suffering? If you tell me it’s to atone for sins, I have one question. A 3 year old boy in rural Africa or India, starving because his parents can’t afford food, and so he dies, probably before his 5th birthday. What sin did he commit? On the other hand, the Stanford rapist, who got away with such a light sentence that the suffering he faces is so insignificant to the suffering he caused. He sinned. What happened to his punishment? Counter argument to that is: He’s going to go to hell, so it’s chill. Let him not suffer that much now, but once he dies, everything will suck royally for him. Do you think the woman who got raped gives two shits about whether or not he’ll suffer in hell? Do you think the little boy who’s starving cares that he’ll be okay once he gets to heaven?
If there was a God, why would he allow a rapist to receive a fate far more gracious than that of a 3 year old child?

I’m not going to keep this post incredibly long, but finally, my last beef with God is the fact that he’s punitive. Organised religion teaches you to love God, and I don’t question any individuals love for God, but underneath the love, there’s fear.
Religion doesn’t say “Don’t kill someone, it’s not a nice thing to do”, instead they say “Don’t kill someone, otherwise God will punish you.”
That’s like telling a fat person “Don’t eat candy, otherwise your mum will spank you”, instead of telling them “don’t eat candy, because you’ll become obese and die from cardiac problems.” That’s when I stopped believing in God – when I was taught to fear him. I don’t want to live in fear of a being who supposedly created me. And I don’t want that fear to colour my judgement and my actions. Again, religion stating that “Don’t murder anyone!” is a reasonable request, but “Don’t eat beef” isn’t. If I want to eat beef, I should be allowed to eat beef without worrying about spending the rest of eternity in hell.
(Oh and then there are the people who are religious, but bend the rules to suit themselves. “I am Brahmin, but I eat beef, but I also pray everyday and I’m super religious”.) I want to believe in a higher power which makes sure that I don’t go entirely off the rails, but I don’t want to believe in a power that chains me to them.

If you’ve made it till here without getting super pissed at me, yay thank you! I just want to end this by saying that I don’t have a problem with God, whatever that is. As a spiritual construct of a higher power meant to lead you on the right path, I fully respect God. My problem is with organised religion, and people using texts written hundreds of years ago, and committing crimes, under the safe blanket of religion. The image that religion has created of God is what I have a problem with. A God with loopholes, if you may. So please, don’t take this as me being an extremist and telling you to stop believing and whatnot – I have no issues with what you want to believe. All I am saying is, question what your religion has taught you, and come up with interpretations of your own, because if people are going to follow sacred texts, word-for-word, from over a thousand years ago, our society isn’t going to have the chance to evolve.

Okay, rant done. I am very sorry if I hurt anyone’s feelings; that was not my intention. This is just my opinion. Feel free to message me if you have contrasting opinions, because I would love to hear the other side to this debate.

‘Til next time,

do I really need to?

I feel like titling every post with something along the lines of “SORRY!” or “I’M BACK!” or “NOT GONNA IGNORE THE BLOG FOR SO LONG!”
Never works out, does it? So yeah, until I have something solid to blog about, expect random titles. That’s if I blog consistently (lololol who else is laughing at that thought? I mean, how many times have I said I’d blog regularly? Let’s not even go there.) (Also, I am slightly embarrassed about the “lololol”, but I do not regret it.)

So Krishnaa, why a blog post all of a sudden? I will tell you why. I just graduated high school! Okay, technically I graduate in June. But, I finished my board exams today, and I’m officially done with the nightmare that is Cambridge!! Did I blog to commemorate my 18th birthday, and my becoming an adult? Nope. So it’s obvious just how important being done with school is for me. If I’m being 300% honest, the part I’m happiest about is not having to wear those annoying, ugly, clunky school sneakers again. Those were absolutely awful. I’m gonna miss the place though. 9 years in one school is bound to have an impact on a person.
Most of my memories are from my last two years of high school, and those two years probably have to be amongst my favourites. Of course, 11th grade was hard. First year without Raika and Durdana, and it definitely wasn’t easy. But then I got idiots like Mev in my life, and it made the whole thing so much better. Over the last two years, I was forced to leave my safety net of Raika and Durdana, and go out there and make new friends. Looking back, I think I did an admirable job, though it did slightly hurt my inner introvert.
I guess this post is kind of a shoutout to all those amazing people who made my senior year so brilliant. I’ve always envisioned my life as a movie (I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this before), and my senior year was definitely a very clichéd, movie-worthy year, filled with lots of ups and downs; friendships, and fights; loving people, and hating people – basically, the whole 9 yards.
I now have three months off, and I was thinking about detailing certain parts of this last year in other blog posts, so yay maybe something to look out for!
I just wanted to give lots love and hugs once again to all the people who made this year so brilliant. Very Perks Of Being A Wallflower moment right now. I can’t say I’m sad to be leaving though! Off to bigger and better things, as they say!

I shall (hopefully, no promises) write again soon! I have a whole list of things I want to write about!
Okay little teaser, it MIGHT either be about “Staying with your high school friends once you’re in college” because why not stick with the whole “goodbye-I’m-gonna-miss-you-guys” theme, or something more along the lines of first relationships, and my takeaways from it.
Exciting, I know.
Anyway, to everyone still writing exams, good luck! And I hope all of you have a great summer!

‘Til next time,


I’m surprised I haven’t done a blog post about this, given how important it is to me! Okay, I had a revelation recently (like 20 minutes ago). Things have been rough, and I’ve been getting into fights and being negative towards many people off late, which I’m not very happy about. Today, I decided that, for the remainder of my high school, I would be nice to everyone, regardless of whether or not they were nice to me.

Whether this means smiling at the person I fought with, or greeting a teacher I didn’t like, I plan on doing it. Two reasons:
1) I’m, by nature, a fairly chill person. I dislike conflict and negativity, and I’m happiest when everyone around me is happy and content with each other and themselves.
2) It’s my last year with a lot of people, many of whom I’ve known for a long time, and many who are very important to me. I don’t want to end it on a bad note with any of them, and I want to eliminate any animosity that I felt towards them.

I’m not doing this to have people be kind to me in return; that’s not how it works. I will be nice to another person because it makes me happy that I don’t view them in a bad light anymore. It may take some getting used to, and I may have to put some effort into it, but it’s something that I am willing to do.
Why? Because it takes zero effort to be nice. All it means is a smile towards a stranger, or a simple hello as you pass a person. It means saying “please” and “thank you,” and asking someone you don’t frequently talk to about how their day has been.
There’s so much bitching and whining that happens these days (I would know, as I frequently indulge in both), so I think that adding a smile or a “Good morning, how are you?” would be a nice change.

Little anecdote time. One of the support staff at my school is often the one clearing dishes after lunch. Every lunch time, I make it a point to look him in the eye, smile and say thank you when he takes my plate from me. And the nicest part is, every time, he smiles back – a genuine, sincere smile, which makes me so happy. Who knows how many dishes that man would have to clean, or all the tables he’d have to wipe. I doubt many students thank him for it. The first time I did it, it was out of habit, but I saw how happy it made him, and so now every lunch, I make sure that I say thank you. It takes zero effort from me, and to see him so happy from this small act makes me really happy.

Next time someone clears your plate, or a cashier hands you your bill, or the attendant at the airport helps you with your bags, or your cab driver gets you to your destination, say thank you, and say it sincerely. It takes nothing away from your life, but it definitely adds something to theirs.
This is something my dad was talking to me about: A Random Act Of Kindness.
Ask your local grocer when his birthday is and make a note on your phone calendar. It will take you all of 30 seconds. On his birthday, go and wish him; maybe give him a chocolate. Parcel leftover food from a restaurant and give it to someone who probably hadn’t gotten three square meals that day. Say “have a good day” to a stranger you bump into on the street. None of this requires much effort, but think about the happiness and joy you’d be bringing to the other person, and the smile you’d put on their face.

Anyway, that’s all for now. I plan on being the nicest I can be to every person I meet, and I can only hope that others would do it to.

‘Til next time,

Welcome back, Krishnaa

A lot of times, one tends to lose track of hobbies and passions. It doesn’t feel like I’ve been away from my blog for long, but, as of today, it’s been exactly half a year. I made a promise to myself to regularly update this. I haven’t been able to keep good on that promise, unfortunately.

A quote from Siddhartha (which is one of the best books ever, in my opinion) goes like: “My real self wanders elsewhere, far away, wanders on and on invisibly and has nothing to do with my life.” I particularly like this quote because with the tidal wave of school, college applications, exams, extracurriculars and whatnot, I have distanced myself from the things I loved.
I used to be able to finish a book in under two days. I have been stuck on Lolita for two months now.
I used to make a habit of writing everyday, whether it was a rant, a poem, a story or just a quick jot-down of what had happened that day. I haven’t done that in a while either.

On the bright side, I am now finally done with midterms (which hopefully also equates to more blogging and reading and writing and drawing and etc etc)!
Have I performed as expected? Not really. Does that bother me? Yes, very much.
But I also realized that just having 3 As on my report card holds no good if I can’t back those up with proof that I can walk the talk.

Enough about school. I whine about it on a daily basis way too much, as it is.
Here’s a quick update on the last 6 months
I’ve gone from having dark hair, to streaked blonde hair, to short hair, and now I have half of it shaved. (Yay for change!)
I got a tattoo. Which I will do a blog post on very very soon (promise).
Global warming is intense, because Chennai is under water, and Bangalore cannot make up it’s mind on whether it wants to emulate the Sahara desert or Antarctica.
Donald Trump is, quite frankly, an idiot. I’m not even American and I’m taking this election very seriously, because if he wins, we’re all in trouble.
ISIS is bombing France, France is bombing Syria, no one is happy, and they believe that more bombs will solve it.
Kim and Kanye had a son called Saint and the Internet exploded.

There are several more things that I want to talk about; not many that currently come to mind. I have said this in several, if not all, of my blog posts, but I will update. This is a very significant year, and I think it’s a good idea to document it, as best as I can.

I won’t make this post too long, since I have very effectively managed to jump several topics with zero transition between them, and I am now getting very confused as to what I should write about next, so I can only imagine how confused someone reading this would be.
Here’s to me writing a blog post after forever! Welcome back.

‘Til next time,

Presently Untitled.

I haven’t really posted my poetry here, and so I thought, why not? Just do it, and all. If anybody thinks of any ideas for a title please let me know, because I never title poetry, but I feel like this one should have one.
Also, this one is for my mum. Coz she teared up when she read it and said it was lovely.


Off in the distance, a car honked,

A cycle chain squeaked,

And birds chirped.

Somewhere, hidden by buildings.

Children laughed in delight,

And bikes sped down the road.

Yet, as she stood and looked into the sky,

Past the buildings and the trees,

Past all the noise and smoke,

She felt a quiet like never before.

A quiet, so deep within her soul,

That her very heart slowed down,

So as to not disturb it.

It wasn’t the lonely quiet that filled the air

On a Christmas evening spent alone.

Rather, it was a beautiful, euphoric peace,

That resonated from deep within,

Echoing through her surroundings,

Drowning her in nirvana,

As she blended into a blissful harmony

With everything her gaze fell upon,

While the first few drops of a summer shower,

Cascaded around her.

An Apology

You know what this is, don’t you? The opening sentence to pretty much every one of my blog posts. So I’m not going to say it again. Yes, I don’t blog enough, but I’m moving past that.

Do I rant often? I think I do. I have been told I do. And it’s time I change that. But first, an apology.

I’ve been off lately. Most people may not have noticed, but the people close to me have. Things I used to be good about, like sticking to curfew, and not spending all my money on lunches with friends and clothes. Tutoring my sister, or calling grandparents. Responding to everything with a smile, instead of an irritated “hmm?” sound. I’m not like that anymore. A week ago, my parents spoke to me about it. I’m not going to lie, I’d noticed my behaviour too. And I wrote it off as “teenage trouble.” But that’s a load of crap. Yeah I’m hormonal and whatnot, but none of that excuses the fact that I’m not living up to my own expectations.

When I was younger, I prided myself on being “kind”, and kindness was all I ever expected from anyone else. Today I think, would 5 year old Krishnaa look at 17 year old Krishnaa and be proud? I’m not too sure.
Everything I listed about how I’d changed may seem like little trivial things that I will “grow out of”. Who’s to say I will? I never thought I’d be snarky and irresponsible. Staying out till 8 after I’d promised I’d be home at 6 is not something I thought I’d ever do. Yet I did. Focusing on my salary instead of helping my sister learn better isn’t something I thought I’d ever do. Yet I did. Taking that money and going out to lunch or shopping and spending all of it isn’t something I thought I’d ever do. Yet I did. There’s a lot more stuff there, but some things are better kept under wraps.

So when my parents spoke to me about it, and they told me that I wasn’t “kind” anymore, and that they were having a hard time being proud of who I’d become, I’m not going to lie, it kind of killed me inside. Who wants to hear that? Your parents saying that they aren’t necessarily proud of you anymore, your sister noticing your behaviour and asking you why you had lied, and you fully knowing how you lying is influencing her. It feels like shit. Not because they said those things, but because I knew that they were right. I’m not going to defend anything that I had done, because I can’t.

Here’s the real bit of all of this: To anyone who I may have been stand-offish to, to anyone I wasn’t pleasant to, to anyone I yelled at for no reason, to anyone who had faith in me that I didn’t live up to, I’m sorry. Truly.
This isn’t one of my usual posts, and I’ll go back to my usual sarcastic good-humor. But I felt like this had to be said.

‘Til next time,

I’m back!

It’s been a while. A long while. I’m honestly a little scared to go back and check when my last post was. But, the long and short of it is, I’m horrendous at routinely blogging, and I make way too many false claims (i.e. all the times I said I’d be consistent with this). But, as usual, I refuse to shoulder any of the blame. The people you should be talking to: Cambridge.
This is an open request, with the promise of endless love and countless cuddles if you succeed, someone please shoot those people. And I don’t mean with those cute, tiny handguns that James Bond looks so cool with. No, I mean the huge, giant things that are used to shoot bad guys in sci-fi movies (the ones where there’s a lot of sound and fire and people flying all over the place from the impact).

Why this sudden hate for Cambridge? Firstly, it isn’t sudden. It’s been festering within me for the last year, as I have contemplated, on many occasions, dropping out of school and starting a reggae/rock fusion street band. Secondly, I’m finally done with my AS boards, much to the amusement of my ISC friends who didn’t have boards this year, and to the hatred of of AS level friends, who aren’t yet done with their exams. I have been worry-free for the last week, and I can quite confidently say, it has been one of the most relaxing and enjoyable weeks of my life. I never thought I was one to succumb to exam stress, and heavens I was wrong. My face looked like like a traffic light with all the stress pimples, and I had possibly all of 3 strands of hair on my head with all the stress hairfall (some of these statements may or may not be slightly exaggerated). But all that’s over! And life is sane again! At least for the next couple months. It’s back to days of staying up until 4am, and sleeping in until 1pm. I’ve called this week “Krishnaa week”. All I’ve done is go out with friends, lay in bed in my night clothes all day, watch TV, and read. It was the perfect, much-needed, mental recuperation. Seriously, one should not have to go through this much stress just in order to have their memory tested, because let’s get real, Cambridge (or any other examination board) doesn’t give a damn if you’re a brilliant student. If you can’t memorize “key words” and “correct definitions”, your logic may be flawless, but you’re still going to fail the crap out of the paper.

This would be a good moment for a poignant speech about how grades don’t mean anything and you shouldn’t stress on it (For that speech, watch this: It’s complete brilliance), but the truth of the matter is, as long having a comfortable life is determined by having a good job, and having a good job is determined by your college education, and your college education is determined by your high school grades, I’m going to work my butt off, even if that means using pimple cream and buying myself a wig. Because quite honestly, I know a few people in my peer group (they know who I’m talking about), who do the whole “I’m may have an exam in two days, but I’m going to go party today, because carpe freaking diem. I have enough of time when I’m older to be serious.”
NAH MAN! Get the studying done now. Get it out of the way. Graduate college with amazing grades, land a high paying job, put your money in a damn bank and go party ‘til the sun rises. It seems so much easier than partying now, and then living with your parents and living off of their money until you’re in your 40s.
It may suck, but, in the big picture, it’s probably worth putting carpe diem on hold for a couple years.

So that’s it for this post. Not going to make it too long, with more ranting. I will post soon (if anybody actually believes me when I say that, at this point, I congratulate you) about other things going on, like all the amazing books I’m reading, and the awesome new music I’m listening to etc etc.

‘Til next time,

It’s Women’s Day!

Happy women’s day folks!
A day to celebrate all women, everywhere. While I do believe women should be celebrated every day, it feels pretty damn nice to know there is a day in the year where we can look at the sexist pigs that are around (Let’s be real, we all know I’m referring to those lawyers from the Nirbhaya documentary) and, even if it is only for 24 hours, tell them to shut the hell up while we embrace our awesomeness.
How many women every day are subjected to discrimination? The world is changing, sure, and things today aren’t what they were a couple generations ago, but clearly it’s not changing fast enough.

Every time a woman is leered at while walking down the road, we are being discriminated against. Every time a man tries to “accidently” brush against her on a bus, we are being discriminated against. Every time the authority of a female leader is being questioned, only due to her sex, we are being discriminated against.

And to anybody who may think “why have a women’s day? Why not a men’s day too?” Well, excuse you, but the other 364 days in the year are “men’s day.” Having a child? “I hope it’s a boy!” Bread winner of the family? “Got to be the husband!” A woman as the CEO of a company? “Do you think she’ll be good enough?” Damn right she’ll be good enough! After years and years and years of discrimination, yeah, this one day to celebrate every woman is pretty important. I’m sorry if that bugs you.

I’m not propagating ‘Women Superior To Men’ – no, we’re equal. But that opinion is still not shared by many over the world. So these 24 hours that put women on a pedestal are, in my opinion, a gentle reminder that women aren’t to be lowered to a standard below men. On women’s day, it’s a day where women can revel in greatness of having two X chromosomes. It isn’t a chance that comes often to many women.

To finish off, here’s to all the women, all over the world. If I had it my way, we’d celebrate us everyday, but since the world doesn’t function based on my wants and needs just yet, I am going to have to graciously accept these 24 hours.
You’re awesome. We’re awesome. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, and kick them if they do (you can do this figuratively, like in your head or whatever, but you should feel free to carry it out literally too).
It may just be my teenage hormones messing with my brain, but there are many a day where I feel like the greatest thing since sliced bread. I want every woman to feel like that all the time. Cause they are.
(Men are great too, but let’s kinda focus on the prettier sex for today.)

Virginia Woolf once said “For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.”
Time that changed, I should think.
Once again, happy women’s day!

‘Til next time,